How to get a job in UX

One of the things I get asked most often is something like “How do I get started in the exciting, high-paying field of UX?” I usually take this to mean “How do I get a cushy job like yours?”

There’s plenty of advice out there, and most of it seems to be pretty good. In fact, I’m surprised there isn’t a Medium article titled “Top Ten Medium Articles titled ‘Top 5-10 Tips for Getting into UX/UI Design’.”

I’m afraid I don’t have much useful advice to offer because I got into the business a long time ago when there were no real job requirements and very little competition. The truth is I don’t think I could get a job like mine nowadays.

I could make some suggestions, but if you’ve read any of the articles you’ve probably already tried or thought of the things I’d recommend.

But I do have one very good piece of advice that I learned from someone else: